With the implementation of "Obamacare" everyone has an opportunity to enroll in a new Plan each year with no underwriting (they have to take you and they have to pay for you)
The Most important thing you should know is that if you have any doubt that you do not qualify for subsidies you SHOULD enroll either using the Federal or your State Insurance exchange.
The reason is simple - if you qualify for some subsidy and you do not make your purchase through an exchange you won't get any subsidy. You can either take the subsidy in part or in full - if you don't take all of the subsidy you will get a refundable tax credit when you file your taxes. Again if you do not purchase through an exchange you CANNOT get the subsidy or refundable tax credit.
Many insurance companies offer a link to the exchange from their websites - But Why do it that way when you can go straight to the exchange yourself and see the rates from all of the companies side by side. Going to a company website is not going to give you that possiblity to see all the rates.
Income Levels that qualify for lower health coverage costs
There are Medaled tiers of Coverage:
Platinum / Gold / Silver / Bronze / Catastrophic
When you enroll be sure to tell them that Greg Giles sent you and provide them with my Producer Number:
HealthCare.gov - (Oregon, Iowa, Nebraska) Greg Giles 6247427
Washington Exchange - (Washington) Greg Giles 263180
California Exchange - (California) Greg Giles OI99792
Enrollment for a calendar Year should be done by November 30th the year before you want the coverage to begin. (enroll 11/20/17 for Coverage to begin 1/1/18)
Information about the plans of coverage
Metalic Plans of Coverage benefits % - % you Pay and % plan pays with each level of coverage
Provider Network Definitions - EPO HMO POS PPO
Make sure your doctor takes the plan you are thinking of enrolling in BEFORE you enroll - Call your doctor and ask